Thursday, September 30, 2004
算了吧, 最多出年考過啦, 我的Aural都處於放棄狀態, 沒有太多時間練習.... 若果出年都再唔得,咪放棄考試囉, 繼續彈琴都得啫! 以前識一個朋友, 她鋼琴, 小提琴也很好, 但她告訴我她放棄了考試, 因太大壓力, 在考試時"揭"琴譜時, 成本琴譜飛了出來......唉, 算吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
沒有打算上街, 亦推掉自己喜愛的活動 - 行山, 雖然真的很想去, 但亦真的騰不出這麼多時間, 記望在考試後吧!
感謝這幾天假期,我的生活可以沒有這麼忽忙, 今早我就可以用了差不多兩個鐘頭看報紙,及過了期的雜誌, 也不錯.... 現在練習了亦差不多兩個鐘頭的 fingering, 給自己一個小休, 寫寫東西, 看看網友寫的東西, 留留言給他們也不錯. 剛才練習翻一些很久沒有練的 fingering technique, 接著彈下去的"scale" 效果很好, 真是要看看之後練 exam pieces會怎樣....但是在平日的日子那有這麼多時間練些warm up exercises ah! 通常坐在電腦旁, 都是零晨時份, 現在看見太陽也真舒服呀!!!! 我要繼續了!! |
一名少年犯人獲釋, 另他最恩惠的是他殺害了那個外籍女孩的家人原諒了他, 所以 他說生命最大的力量有三種東西:
我很認同呀, 從來都不會記住朋友的錯處, 吵架的時候會吵得面紅耳赤,但事後總不會記在心,尤其是公司上的事事非非,更不應上心呀. 但反觀很多人郤事事計算得失, 別人可能無意得罪他們, 他們就會千方百計去報復, 這樣會活得開心嗎? |
Ways of Struggling...
Just randomly pick a book from the bookshelf and randomly pick a chapter to read, quite fit my feelings at the moment. Here are some extracts from "The Art of Practising" by Madeline Bruser:
"....musicians are harder on themselves than dancers or actors, and have a more difficult time with their work. This is partly because musicians work primarily alone, and when they eventually play for an audience it is overwhelming. Also, performing music requires extreme precision. Because of the need for this precision, musicians are also more susceptible to noticeable memory lapses than other performers. They are afraid of "blanking out" or making blunders in front of an audience." I can never be a musician just I want to play good music. Hope I can spare some time out to read more chapters on these public holidays. |
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
衷心感謝網友, 朋友的鼓勵.....你們的留言/email, 我都一一貼上office 的notice broad上, 時不時睇吓, 心裡面真的舒緩了很多. 整日的心情都還未放鬆, 仍在思想鬥爭, 但我會努力的. 可能今次我真的太認真投入, 不知是好是壞? 活了這麼多十年好像沒有承受過太多壓力, 係時候好好段練了!
亦感謝這裡提供一個好地方給我們舒發情感, 暢所欲言,,,, 寫出心中的感受,一直是我細過的習慣, 以前寫過日記, 還儲起很多零碎紙條, 也寫過很多內心感受給以前的男友,不知他掉了未有? 朋友們, 假期愉快! |
Monday, September 27, 2004
開始懷疑努力負出,是不是會收回成果? 或是徒然? 昨日的失敗令我開始害怕彈琴. 一直都不喜歡在公眾表演, 可能沒有自信吧, 嘗試行出這個困局, 但換來是更害怕,,,, 我能克服嗎?
考試前夕, 心理的壓力加上其他不同因素, 我發覺自己的表現還比平日差很多,怎辦? 老生常談,放鬆吧, 但很老實說, 是絶對不易為的. 這一次係我咁大個人最認真做事的一次, 還認真過對自己一個100%喜歡的男朋友, 但是....... 昨晚的不開心就好像以前大失戀一樣, 對什麼也提不起勁......真的很害怕...... 怎辦? 多謝黃朋友, 鄭朋友(次序按講電話的先後排)的安慰, 鼓勵....我終於感受到黃朋友那次的不開心..... 是不是真的喊了出來會舒服些?? 係的話, 我也希望遲些會好一點.... |
Sunday, September 26, 2004
好音樂會另我感動, 觸動心弦, 皮膚起"雞皮"..... 我好希望知道是不是每一個人都有另他們感動的音樂?? 或是一首心底的歌, 久不久就會在心中唱起來呢? 另我感動的歌有很多,但真的會觸動心弦, 起"雞皮"的有: 盧冠庭的一首舊歌: "借夜闌靜處"(不知是否正確的歌名) 最近的有Ray Charles 唱 Sorry seems to be the hardest word 我的心底歌是明星(葉得嫻版本), 這首歌久不久就會在心中唱起來ah! 一首極喜歡的音樂Concierto De Aranjuez (2nd movment), 相信很多人或者會聽過這首音 樂, 但不知它的名字, 它很多時都會在電視劇/電影出現. 一首真的會令你流淚的音樂.
Friday, September 24, 2004
I am down, my computer is down....
Besides, I have the 2nd recital on the coming Sun, still not sure what to play.... play the one believe I can handle (it is a slow movement (Andante) but I am afraid the people will fall to sleep) or play the fast movement in front of the public (I don't have confidence, it makes me nervous.... ) Oh gosh!
By the way, what upset me most was I found out that my practising these two days were a bit sluggish, still can't manage some techniques well and some parts which I could go through before became worst now.
My home computer was liked me, down down down!!!
Anyway, I will be fine tomorrow, don't worry!
p.s. thanks for the encouragement from one of my friend's email, it really comforts me.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
其實以前自己曾經連續做了兩,三年長期, 短期的義務工作,是很喜歡的. 令我最深刻印象是到醫院探訪未期cancer病人和電話輔導工作. 因工作關係, 這兩個服務都終止了.
記得當初開始義務工作時是自己在生命中最迷失,最失落的時候, 完全沒有了方向, 但是,當你在幫助別人的時候, 所帶來的喜悅, 也是在幫助自己, 這是千真萬確ah!
但我有一個疑惑是,為何去幫助別人都有年齡限制??因為有很多服務是不適合30歲以上, 或只適合18-25歲申請.....奇怪??
無論如何, 將來如果有時間的話, 我仍希望有機會做電話輔導工作,是很有挑戰性的, 不過身邊的朋友大多不感興趣!
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Bach's music...
I believe many people will play Bach's Prelude & Fugue in the coming exam, the following is a definition of them (extracted from Piano Playing - Josef Hofmann):
Prelude - as something which intentionally precedes and fitting introduces a main action (as an introduction), fits the musical Prelude perfectly.
Fugue - is the most legitimate representation of true polyphony (combination of several melodic patterns to form a single piece of music). A Fugue is the flight of one musical thought through many voices or parts, subject to strict rules.
For me, it can inspires myself to play better if I can understand their particular meaning.
My favourite Bach's music are the Brandenburg Concertos No. 2 in B minor, especially the "Polonaise" and Air in D major (this is a very pop one which appeared in the movie "seven sins")
我真的很希望可以放下工作,專心去彈琴1-2年, 但現在來說,真的是一個夢想ah!!!
(P.S. 今晚好大機會工作到好夜(oh, 應該係好早....)冇哂心機, 因為明天會精神唔夠, 悲哀!)
Sunday, September 19, 2004
What a FAKE world...
I read an article from "Post Magazine" today about some Chinese companies (privately owned) in mainland China in order to build their image or win business, they are recruiting white foreigners including students, actors, backpackers, English teachers to act as western executives for an hour or day. The pay to those "actors" is about RMB5,000 and their roles were only as a foreign face, nothing more. So ridiculous!!
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Friday, September 17, 2004
A belated birthday wish to my dear friend....
I have no excuse, just my daily routine in the weekdays is wake up, a tiny breakfast, practice practise and practise, then a fast lunch and rush to work. I even can read the newspaper on the MTR.
So my friend, you should understand me right?
Wish you forever young, 靚 靚 靚! 身體健康, 不用看醫生!!
See you in December!
Communicate with kids...
I notice that they usually end the message by "pls send back fast" something like this, well, are all kids longing for some feed back, or it is natural that humans are hoping for some responses from others?!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
a little sharing with people who play instrument.....
- play technically well, playing exactly what is written, perfectly and
- simply to make music.
Practice hard folks!
Recommendation 3..
That piece of music is, if I could remember, "Beethoven's 7th". I must buy this CD.
Tuesdays with Morrie...
The book is based on a true story between an old man, Morrie (he is dying) and a young man (the author). Morrie is a teacher of the young man. Morrie has given the life's greatest lesson to the author before his death. Here are some quotes from the book:
"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it."
"So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."
"You know what gives you satisfaction?"
is"Offering others what you have to give"
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Recomendation 2...
Happy Birthday to my respected piano teacher...
I just know it when I went there to have lesson this afternoon and he was going to have his mini birthday party and invited me to join. What a great honour !! The party was simple, just a cake with a birthday card and some gifts on the table and we took some pictures and share cakes and coffee afterwards. He told me it was sort of the English ritual. It was so low profile and I like it.
He inspires me a great deal of how to play piano. He is really an experienced and responsible teacher just a bit absent-minded.
Well, with thousands of warm wishes to him and his wife!!! Although he don't know this web but I hope he could feel it.
I will bake a cake for him next year!!
Let me quote two paras of the lyrics from a song "Don't worry, Be happy" by Bobby Mcferrin for you:
"Don't worry, be happy.
In every life we have some trouble,
But when you worry, you make it double,
Don't worry, be happy"
Don't worry, don't worry, don't do it.
Be happy. Put a smile on your face.
Don't bring everybody down.
Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is.
Don't worry, be happy.
I'm not worried, I'm happy."
Monday, September 13, 2004
What a great thing in the world that you can share your experiences with others and have good response. It's amazing!!
雖然我的中文文采不太好,英文grammer又不准,但所有東西都是發自內心的, 仲好努力打中文添!!
In the meantime, I don't have much time to write more (I just write it sometimes when I am free in the office). It is better after my exam and I want to import some clippings, pictures or my wish to download my favouite music.
Thanks for my colleague + friend to support me and I am awaiting yours.
Also thanks for my friend "vv" recommended this blog to me. I appreciate.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Black & White...
Sorry seems to be the hardest word...
音樂是很奇妙的東西,不同人有不同的演繹,最重要是可以去感動人. 這是我很想做到的! I will try my best!
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Friday, September 10, 2004
A phrase to think over...
English translation for my spanish friend, in case she visits my web:
Nietzsche said : you will be regreted no matter you are married or not married.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
p.s. 打中文真係不暢快,不過真係需要多多練習!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Recommendation 1
Anyway, it is better to take it easy, I can take 2 if I failed this time but I have to wait for another year.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Feel sad about the masscare in Russia, poor kids!!
I got a flu today with a stuffy nose, took a chinese herb drinks and suddenly recovered at this minute. hip hip hurray!!
I heard an interview from radio 4 about a handsome cellist 李垂宜, he was a Harvard student and had been worked in a financial field in New York but he decided to pick up and go back to music at the age 30?? Well, he got so many awards now and will have a performance on 14/9, really would like to go....