Wednesday, November 09, 2005




1. 琴的高音很弱,出不到音色,像被一塊布蓋着的聲音!但低音很重!

2. 高音部份很難做dynamics!

3. pedal 很重,要用很大力踏!

4. 彈起上來,一點也不順暢,比較有信心的樂章也甩手甩到爬地!

5. 琴室很冷,冷其實不緊要,我的要害是那冷冷的風正接吹着我的頭及臉,令人很不舒服...




Ruth Tam said...

When we don't have the luxury like Horowizt to use our own piano, we have to adjust ourselves. Try to play by listening. Adjust your playing to get the sound you have in mind.
This happens to every pianist. Even very famous pianists have to adjust their playing to whatever piano they have to play on.

史路比 said...

妳為何那麼快便打定輸數呢? 不是船到橋頭自然直嗎?如果琴的音質真的那麼差,也不是妳的錯,我相信每一個考生都會面對同樣的問題,妳又何必擔心呢? 有很多事情既然掌握不來,就別擔心好了,順其自然,我覺得妳一定得架! :)

yuen luk luk said...

我的技術不好呀, 如果要adjust, touching, 力度會和平時練習的不同, 所以咪好易甩手囉! 一甩手就自然繼續甩, 就係锦囉!

史路比呀, 講真的, 我真的不喜歡那部琴, 今晚彈到有些發猛憎呀! 不想彈了!

Ruth Tam said...

Yuen Yuen, you are a pianist. When your audience are looking forward to your performance, will you let them down because the piano is not the one you like? Of course, you won't.
Just do whatever you can. Let the music lead you and play by listening. The force and touching will never be the same as you are practicing at home. Actually, even with the same piano, it will sound different when it's in a different place on the stage, or whether there's a shell or not.

Andy said...

Pray and take several deep breaths before you go into the room.

Stay cool. Technique is not the most important thing. Feel the music that you play. Enjoy them. That's what music is for, right?

Wo_木土人_od said...


yuen luk luk said...

Ruth & Andy, thanks for your comforting words which inspire me very much! I will read them again before going to my exam!

But, I have another worry now, out of my control, too bad!

程霜 said...

At this time, just play. Play with your heart, play by your heart.

Play with faith, melt yourself into the sheets, feel every note with your heart, and pass them down to the key, through your fingers. Faith is your best weapon now, hang on with it and don't let it slip through your fingers.

Winston Churchill once told his boys (RAF) before they took off to fight with the German Air Force, who had the best and fastest fighters at that time: "Be prepared to your best, and be prepared for the worst"
The RAF won that battle.

Good luck!

yuen luk luk said...

木土人呀, 我不是專業的, 加上我彈琴好情緒化, 小小不好, 不舒服..., 我就冇心機彈的了!

yuen luk luk said...

程霜, yup, play with my heart is very important, I will bring my heart to the exam, haha! Thanks!

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