Sunday, February 12, 2006



第一份是”小交響樂團”做marketing的工作,另一份是”香港保護兒童會”做fund raising co-ordinator.

以前讀書是主修marketing 的,但完全沒有這一行做過,原因是讀完書回來,家人己決定一年內移民,所以,我便要在一年內希望可以赚多些零用錢帶過去用.

而當時或是現在也是,在某幾個field做secretarial 的工作, 人工會比做marketing 工作高的,所以當時沒有marketing 經驗的我就選擇了不太喜歡但人工高的工作, 直到現在也不能翻生!

一把年紀還想翻生嗎?有機會的話也會嘗試的,起碼一生人當中, 也要做過自己喜歡的工作呀!


Ruth Tam said...

Give it a try. The more you delay, the less likely you can change, the more you "think" you don't like your job. You will always think grass is greener on the other side.

梁巔巔 said...

"一把年紀還想翻生嗎?有機會的話也會嘗試的,起碼一生人當中, 也要做過自己喜歡的工作呀!"

起碼不枉此生. 將來妳可以驕傲的說:"我活過!"

San Wen Ji said...


Andy said...

I have a friend used to work for 香港保護兒童會 as fund raising manager (I guess it's the same post).

Have you worked in similar field before?

keng 坑 said...

翻生, 是魚兒的本能... 呵呵, 支持你也祝你成功!

Andy said...

Sorry, it's 香港救助兒童會.

yuen luk luk said...

Ruth, sure I will.

LDD, 做得成就係囉...

swj, marketing 其實都唔知適唔適合我, 當年想揀management的, 但滿咗呀! 不過marketing 都幾有趣, 咩都唔記得哂, 只記得4P!

andy, no experience in this field, but I believe I can handle the job duties, like taking minutes, secretarial/administrative support to the committee, coordinate fund raising activities...but I sure very little pay in a non-profit organisation.

keng, 很喜歡你寫的, 對呀, 我吔係一條魚, 咸魚翻生呀!

史路比 said...

未試過又點知呢? 試唔岩再返轉頭都冇問題..依家一d都唔遲..

Tasmanian Sky

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