Friday, May 05, 2006



整個節目比較短,930已完了,接著15分鐘的encore,我覺得encore是可以到晚上10時的,但很多觀眾已離場了,他們好像趕著去排隊等Trey Lee的簽名! 其實我也好想近距離看他真人,因為覺得他很有氣質呀!不過,最後當然沒有做這小妹妹的動作啦!

p.s. 昨晚咳聲,雜聲依然很多,但觀眾拍掌有進步了!


Andy said...

I was also sitting at the back of stall. Where were you sitting?

yuen luk luk said...

that last 4th/5th row on the right!

Andy said...

I was sitting at the last row in the middle. There was a guy taking photos in the second half. I think he was the offical photographer, but he really disturbed the concert by taking photos (the click sound of his camera). Did you hear that?

yuen luk luk said...

I didn't hear it ah but I saw a guy taking video at the balcony. Also some people were coughing v. loud!

yuen luk luk said...

Andy, did you enjoy the recital?? you didn't write in your blog wow!

Hyacinthus said...

finally, i didn't go but have dinner with a group of friends. thanks for sharing here. somehow he is charming :)

Andy said...

It was an average concert. He played everything so seriously. Somehow it lacks the sense of humour. THe first piece of encore was Czardas. This piece would sound much more exciting if he used more rubato. He produced a very sweet sound though.

yuen luk luk said...

thanks Andy!

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