Thursday, December 16, 2004


在Jacqueline du Pré 書中結尾有以下的一段文字, 另我想了一會兒, 也覺有意思, 就把它記下:

People think that music actually exists. It doesn’t exist! It’s not like an object which, once you’ve created it you put in a cupboard and you can pick it up again tomorrow. It exists briefly in the composer’s brain when he composes, and it exists briefly in black dots on white paper when he writes it down. But it only truly exists each time someone plays it. Therefore, each time you play it, you have to realise that you are bringing those sounds into the world, physically, not metaphysically, sounds that do not otherwise live permanently in the world. Music exists in the moment of playing it and then it’s gone; unless you keep it artifically by recording it, of course.

這是我用有限的翻譯能力, 把它譯成以下的文字:

人們會認為音樂是存在的. 但, 其實它是不存在! 音樂不是一件物件, 你不可能把它放在樻內, 然後明天再拿出來. 當作曲家在作曲時,它只會存在於他們的腦中及在五線譜上. 當人們去演奏音樂, 這便是音樂真正存在的時候. 所以, 當你們演奏時是活生生的把音樂帶到這個世界並不是單單在形而學上, 然而, 音樂不會在這世界上長久永遠的, 它只會存在在你演奏的那個時刻, 之後就會消失, 除非你把它收錄起來吧!

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