Thursday, April 12, 2007






另外,下一個月有兩場大提琴演奏會(Cello’s World),神神秘秘的,完全找不到節目表,宣傳單張。應該會去看,但都想看看演奏什麼曲目呀,不過,到現時為止還有很多門票。


Ruth Tam said...

Many years ago, I watched him for the first time and it's really disappointing. Then, I thought maybe he's just not at his best on that night. A few years later, I watched again and it's equally disappointing. So, I give up.

A few years ago, I watched his performance on TV. After a while, I asked my husband if I could change channel to watch the news.

yuen luk luk said...

oh really?? I am surprised to know that.

Ruth Tam said...

To me, he's never that great. Just got famous because of his mysterious way of getting out from China.

San Wen Ji said...


yuen luk luk said...

e, 呵呵,而家唔駛囉!

kunolam said...

Ruth, I think this is the case for many big-name artists now - they're famous for some reasons that guarantee the ticket sales of their concert, but they're only of average quality. Some of them may be legendary figures (like Fou), some of them maybe good, but exhausted by travel and made bad performances locally (like Perahia), some are just mediocre (like Mr. Bang). I think some really really good visiting artists would only have their name known to very experienced listeners, for others, you can only try your luck! btw, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND next week's HKPO concert with Blacher playing Mozart. He is the ex-concertmaster of Berlin Phil. Last year he 'concertised' with HKPO with a Haydn/Mozart programme, and I was completely astonished that the orchestra was completely transformed to a VERY GOOD classical orchestra. The orchestra played a Haydn symphony WITHOUT a conductor (Blacher was just the concertmaster for that piece) and it's the only time I experienced HKPO with a fresh, youthful spirit for classical stuff. Must GO!

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......