Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tuesday with Gill (37)...

今天,是考試前的最後一課,亦可以彈我的dream piano - Steinway & Sons!


彈着那Steinway,有些magic moments,好像不費吹灰之力,是那琴帶着我去彈,感覺是很得意的,很順暢!這是我很少有的感覺!

另外,今天也發覺,當我投入了音樂裡,跟着音樂去走,那表現是不錯的!我應該說是音樂去帶領我,還是我去帶領音樂呢?? 應該是音樂去帶領我多一點點,這樣的說法是正常合理嗎?


最後,老師說”break a leg" means "good luck"! 希望啦!


Wo_木土人_od said...

Good luck! Remember we all add oil for you ^^

Ruth Tam said...

Let the music lead you. Too often, we are too much ourselves. Sometimes, we need to be humble and let go of ourselves and open up.
Once yo yo ma said the purpose of music is for us to get in touch of the one that's greater than ourselves. To him, that's god.

史路比 said...


yuen luk luk said...

謝謝咁多位, 今日試完琴後,己沒有多大信心了, 不用再鼓勵我啦!

Ruth Tam said...

That's a problem every pianist has to face. There's no reason to give in.
Sorry to say: that's not an excuse.

yuen luk luk said...

Ruth, you are right, it's not an excuse....yup, I hope my feelings will be better tomorrow! thanks!

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......