Your kind of company usually pays higher. So, those people got laid off have benefit from the higher pay before. Usually higher pay comes with higher risk. It's a fair deal. For my kind of company, it pays less. We know we don't get the highest pay but we like the company culture. We know the company cares for us.
圓圓,cm 講得對,這便是工作。你也說她們是“曾經”。
Your kind of company usually pays higher. So, those people got laid off have benefit from the higher pay before. Usually higher pay comes with higher risk. It's a fair deal.
For my kind of company, it pays less. We know we don't get the highest pay but we like the company culture. We know the company cares for us.
swj, 你們說的也有道理, 但我都係覺得不太公平!算吧!
ruth, 其實你吔個field人工都唔錯的, 不過相信你的公司比較有人情味吧, 我都想揾一間有人情味的公司及同事! 人工嗎?? 明年, 年中我可以不要求太高了!
很難不放私人感情, 多少也會有些感受, 只不過是表不表現出來而已. 之前我舊公司裁員, 有幾個同事臨走時咸到收唔到聲, 聞者心酸.
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