Wednesday, May 25, 2005


想再寫一些自己對感情的看法, 但夜深了, 寫一些關於自己太感性的文子, 我會睡不著的, 還是留待日後吧....

我收集了很多關於愛情的文字, 覺得很有意思, 可以節錄一些下來, 這只是一部份:

"在生活中, 最大的幸褔莫過於永遠與自己所愛的人一起 ------不知道孤獨的痛苦, 在困難的時候相親相愛, 相互支持, 相互安慰, 共同歡樂."

"愛情的快樂不能在激情的擁抱中告終. 愛, 必需有恒久不變的特質, 要愛自己, 也要愛對方."

"信任比愛還重. 沒有愛, 但有信任, 關係仍然可以維持, 而且堅如磐石."


keng 坑 said...

allow me to share something i read before...

[Love is not something permanent, eternal. Remember, what poets say is not true. Don´t take their criterion, that the true love is eternal, and untrue love is momentary - no! Just the opposite is the case. The true love is very momentary - but what a moment!... such that one can lose the whole of eternity for it, can risk the whole of eternity for it. Who wants that moment to be permanent? And why should permanency be valued so much?... because life is change, flow; only death is permanent.]

It's reality, but true.. and it teaches us how to keep permanency by spicing ourselves and the other halves. Changes keep us going...

San Wen Ji said...

讓我說愛,我會跟keng 一樣。愛,是變幻中的。不過我相信每人有每人的看法和體會。

yuen luk luk said...

在變幻中的愛, 相方也要有同一步伐才好!

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......