Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tuesday with Gill (11)

今天對彈琴有些"negative feeings", 每個人彈琴都會有一定的technical limitations, 好懷疑自己是否開始了. 明明在家已經練好的東西, 有時總在老師面前失手, 真的不明白!

Duplets against triplets and then triplet and go back to duplet - 這是 Chopin's nocturne No. 14 的 style. 上星期開始練習, 但老師說這些rhythm 我還未控制得好!

Beethoven's Sonata 有一部份也是這個style, 亦是全曲最難的部份, 若果,可以manage得到, 這曲便OK了. 基本上開頭一部份老師說可以的, 但仍要多練後尾.

開始覺得練習有些辛苦了, 尤其面對一些technique problems, 對着有限的練琴時間, 每天也要和時間競賽, 有時會想, 這樣辛苦是為了什麼????

很矛盾呀, 希望有多些時間練琴, 但也不能常常推掉朋友們的約會, 因為不想自己變得太自敝. 這個星期應該需要多時間練習好那些問題, 但星期天會有一堆朋友到我家, 也不能好好地集中精神了!! 有些身不尤己!

老師的advise是 "be patience", 不可以太急呀, 但我真是一個沒有耐性的人呀!


史路比 said...

唔係啦,你考試都好定檔呀!唔... 唔好咁緊張啦,老實講,pianist都唔論到妳同我做架啦... 只係,我地仲可以彈深既野,彈到幾多咪幾多囉...

e.. 妳都好快喎,都差唔多練完lu..我仲未揀好呢~


yuen luk luk said...

唉, 我成日话自己好飄忽, 都唔知幾時彈得好, 幾時唔好! 好似好難控制, 但我相信老師講得對, 係concentration的問題! 响人面前,比較難集中!

其實我都唔知會用什麼來考試, 如果用之前練咗果D的話, 這樣只剩Beethoven, 但照情況看, 可能唔用果D而用我現在練緊些, 不過要看我進度如何!

為什麼妳揀咁耐呀, 可否用以前那些?

Andy said...

I gave up playing violin on a regular basis due to technical problems encountered. I know I won't be able to make it to a professional violinist. And I didn't feel good about it. Then I turned to appreciate music and only played occasionally for friends.

yuen luk luk said...

Andy, it's good that you enjoy playing for your friends, I can't do it well if I know somebody is listening to me!!!

I believe you have much more spare time for yourself now since you gave up volin.

By the way, I want to learn cello once I have time but just for fun only.

史路比 said...

要揀4首different style既pieces嘛, 老師想我用黎考埋guildhall,咁我只有一隻可以用返,就係schubert囉,但朋友話好聽係好聽,但好難master(我都覺得某d部份係架),而且好難有高分,有d猶豫添,mozart叫做彈完一次,未熟喎..未去買jazz既書,想彈一首(make it different style ma)...

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......