Saturday, June 25, 2005


今天, 進行了下水禮, 只是頭5-10分鐘需要停一些時間, 接著也可以不停的游(但間中也會停幾秒呀!) 總共游了45分鐘, 不錯了!

游水是氣的問題, 會越游越順呀, 尤其是蛙式!

覺得游水是最舒服的運動, 也是最易修身的! 曾經有一年每天也會游水, 但現在不能了!

今天也用了泳帽, 原來也有很多人用的, 不算太怪相!



Carrie said...

when do u usually swim? some wks ago, i tried to swim before work, its harsh, but let me feel gd too!

Ruth Tam said...

I know swimming is good for health but I find it boring. Also, it's very inconvenient because I have long hair. Of course, these are all excuses.

When I swim, I always tell myself that I can strengthen my legs so that I can dance better. Also, it's good for improving turnout.

yuen luk luk said...

我在家樓下游水, 行過去不用2分鐘, 很方便呀!

Ruth, 長頭髮可以用泳帽呀, 我還是第一次用, 感覺不錯, 不用披頭散髮呀! 而且我發現游完水後, 肌肉放鬆了, 對彈琴很有幫助!

Ruth Tam said...

Right, should buy a swimming cap and sandals. My boyfriend likes swimming very much but I don't go with him often. Maybe I will go more often later.

thecosmos said...



Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......