Monday, January 03, 2005

Trey Lee's music...

聽了Trey, 李垂誼所拉的大提琴音樂, 覺得很舒服, 頗喜愛. 喜愛他的原因, 除了他所拉奏的音樂外, 他很自然, 不做作, 也有些私人因素...

他自小學音樂, 但在teenage時放棄了, 他不想在音樂上放這麼多時間, 外面的世界很大呀... 所以他好像在Harvard讀 Business, 然後在美國有一份不錯的金融工作, 工作了幾年後, 他不喜歡商業社會, 覺得音樂的世界才適合他, 這樣他就重新投入音樂, 還有很好的成績.

另外, 他很喜歡吃, 尤其是香港的傳統街邊小食, 如咖喱魚蛋.

以上兩點令我有很大, 很大的共鳴...因為我也曾經在年少時放棄彈琴, 現在討厭商業社會....在兩年前再次練琴.....我也喜歡吃, 尤其是街邊小食, 咖喱魚蛋. 不在香港時, 總會掛念它們呀! 但....我在音樂上沒有成就, 但不要緊, 喜歡而又可以繼續彈已很滿足了.

喜歡Trey Lee 的話, 可以到: 看看.


Andy said...

Did you attend his concert last year when he came to HK? It was quite good. He is also quite handsome. Is it part of the reasons you like him? :)

yuen luk luk said...

Oh, lucky you, you could attend his concert, I wish but nobody accompany me, besides, I didn't have any annual leave left since I work in the evening and his concert was held during weekdays.

I know he has a concert in town soon and going to perform some Chinese stuff which I don't like very much. I am awaiting for other chances.

Right, he is quite handsome, you think so since you are a chap too, haha. I think I like he is being very natural and that musical character...那份氣質吧!

yuen luk luk said...

oh, one more thing, Andy, do you like cello music as well? I like it more and more now.

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......