Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Tuesday with Gill (4)

今天老師放了一個暖爐在鋼琴邊, 很温暖, 但我依然彈得不滿意, 真是小了練習再加上不太集中精神.... 但老師竟然知道我精神不集中, 真利害...我問他怎會知????? 他笑而不答!!!

又和他傾了很多, 他說了很多道理.... 感謝他, 但我今天都說自己精神不集中, 所以吸收不多, 真不好意思...

他問我有沒有聽什麼音樂, 我就提起最近買了一個pianist 的 DVD, 但不知道這個pianist 的資料. 他問是誰? 我連名字也忘記, 只記得開頭是什麼Miche....啦, 哈....怎知他已知道答案, 對我來說是另一個利害呀! 老師說了Michelangeli 的故事給我聽, 老師也曾在London 看過他的現場表演呀....

不知傾開什麼, 我問老師我可否成為professionl?? 老師說不能了, 因為我以前放下音樂太耐太耐了, 音樂真的需要不停的磨練呀! 但他說我應該可以彈到很多難度高的樂章..... 但不知怎的, 雖然我也明白自己在音樂上不會有什麼成就的, 但心中也有一點點不舒服....

人的慾望真是永不滿足的, 自己曾說過完成了八級總算對自己有交待, 但現在又想去得更高...現在我的目標便是今年的 Certificate Exam, OK 的話, 便是Diploma... 之後會是什麼??

今年考試其中一首樂章是Beethoven Sonata in D, Op.14. 這不算太難彈, 但它的rhythm 變化很大, 而 rhythm 也是我最弱的一項, 要很努力了!!!


Andy said...

I had the same feeling when I came to realise that I won't be a good violinist. But then, nothing stops me from being a music lover, who could appreicate music. And that is already a gift. Plus, if you can appreciate music with a good background in one of the intruments, that is a bonus.

yuen luk luk said...

Hei Andy, so impressed to know that you play violin, do you still practice it? I like string instrument very much now and seeking for a cello teacher but I don't think I will spend too much time on learning cello, just for fun only!

Thanks for your comforting words! I will try to work hard on piano still to see how far can I go!

Tasmanian Sky

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