Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Tuesday with Gill (5)

因為感冒的關係, 今天的精神不太好, 但上堂時狀態又不錯, 比上次集中精神. 練琴小了, 但表現比上一次好. 常常說, 我的表現是很飄忽的, 自己也想知道怎樣可以控制得好些...

原來, 現在練習的Chopin's Nocturne 及 Bach's Prelude & Fugue, 可以在今年的考試彈奏, 已經練得七七八八了, Nocturne 還需要加很多colour, Bach - 可以的了, 但不會用來考試, 應該會彈 French Suite, 下星期開始練吧! 相信要放很多時間在Beethoven Sonata 上, 因為很長呀, 好像有16 pages!

這一堂課, 頗開心, 因為知道下一堂, 可以開始一些新玩意: Chopin's Muzurkas, Bach's Prelude & Fugue 的另一新樂章及French Suite!!! 下星期將要攜帶很多琴書, 很重呀!! 但我覺得很滿足, 充實!

p.s. 老師介紹了一本書: Landowska on Music, 又會把它放在我的to-buy-book list 內.


史路比 said...

Chopin's Nocturne,你係唔係要全部彈哂呀?我以前彈左一半waltz & nocture,好耐都冇彈過啦.. 好野,今次唔要bach, prelude & fugue..kekeke... ^^ 好似以前都有彈過suite,但唔記得係french啦.. 我彈得最多都係mozart,tchaikovsky既four seasons,少brahms,少schubert,少beethovan,少chopin's mazurkas,少scarlatti.. 噢,成世就彈得咁少..but anyway,算把啦,我雖然好鐘意音樂,但自己喜好太多了..顧唔哂..唔.. 或者退休啦,不過,如果退休既話,我想去遊埠喎.. 呵呵~~ 我好鬼多心呢..^^

唔.. 狀態真係好奇怪,我好多時都冇練,有時老師間唔中會以為我有練(不過多數都冇),有時有d野睇下囉..

上次mozart既sonata 有20 pages咁多呀,今次又轉左另一隻,no.7,彈到手會抽筋架.. 全部8ve,又allegro,想死..肥緊啦..

"Landowska on Music"新書呀? theory and/or analysis?

嘩~~~~~~ 寫得好長添..kekee.. ^^

San Wen Ji said...


yuen luk luk said...

哈哈, 我相信寫自己鐘意的東西就係錦啦, 長長都唔覺!

Nocturne 只係彈一首, 不算太難, 只係 trill 有小小彈到抽根! 同理 3 against 4, 6 against 8 的問題, OK 的!

妳楝咗考試歌未呀? 要練的話, 都差不多時間, 徐非用翻舊果D啦!

Landowska on Music, 不是practical的, 只是老師說起Ms. Landowska 對Bach's music的看法, 而他枱上正放有她的書, 所以我有興趣買囉! 不過可能要上網訂, 要的話, 可以幫妳訂埋!

kunolam said...

3 against 4 ...好彩你不是彈faure

yuen luk luk said...

KL, Faure Gabriel?? is French Composer? 我未彈過他的作品, 相信未係我的level.

3 against 4 其實唔太難, 只係前面加咗trill, 我的拍子就會差小小.

史路比 said...

其實我覺得好奇怪... 老師並無咁執著要我彈tr.彈?against?... 佢話有好多種唔同既演繹版本,要睇時期/咩作曲家/或者係 which is the best way to interpret, 之前佢有硬性規定我要改返?against? 不過,後來我用一個平均既拍子去彈,佢話呢個都好好,真係r頭啦,咁即係幾時要幾時唔駛?? 鬼知咩?佢話有d係 by experience 喎.. 又即係好似個modent咁,點決定上音先定係下音先呢? Bach/
Mozart/contemporary 都有跟不同既rule... 咁我係例牌會問佢:"咁幾時跟幾時又唔跟個rule呀?" 佢話 "by experience, or according to the analysis... now you got it!" aiya.. 我都冇咩experience,靠感覺咋,點解會冇一個standard rule去跟既?

我只係揀左mozart sonata咋,唔知會唔會揀返Schubert Impromptu,定係會揀Brahms(不過冇大手),老師想我try Prokofieff, Rachmaninoff, Debussy, Bartok, Sculthorpe ... 呀... 我完全冇彈過哩d呢... again, need big hands!!! but i did one prelude of Shostakovich before, so so morden in style nei.. it combines different keys of scales with accidentals, just like a starter ~ study of technique, and the sound of the notes are not in perfect tune.. you see what i mean? so, i probably will choose Faure's Nocturne, seems not that difficult and with nice melody... he opposed me to choose Britten, he said that Britten is not good composer to show the characteristic in style, not like the other composers did (actually i found it's a good choice to play, nice piece too) however, when he go through the piece listed in the syllabus, he found that it's ok finally!

so, at the stage, i've just finished studying the first 2 movt of the piece of Mozart.. not yet start the other pieces... seems that i've a tight schedule to run!!! poor, i may get a fail again this year... and i'm going to take Guildhall exam again at the end of this year, well, just want to satisfy what i've learned..

re: "Landowska on Music", pls order one for me if you're going to order it! thanks!

史路比 said...

oh.. no... long message again.. sorry about that! :p

by the way, Faure Gabriel is not that difficult work to play when compared with other piece, so you may have a try, see how Mr. Gill advise you... i'm sure that you can over it with ? against ? coz you're very hardworking at practising, so just practise it many times then you'll find that you can handle it without risk!

*p.s. rememberred that you've questioned about the status of "Guildhall" exam, well, it's not that famous in HK honestly, but Mr. Gill didn't cheat us that it's very famous in UK, and the standard is recgnised as "higher than ABRSM and Trinity", i've proved it with my friend, who studied piano & harp, when she went to visit friends in UK, her friend (who's playing orchestra in UK) told her that Guildhall is ahead of these two examination authorities in UK.

I remembered I've asked Mr. Gill this question when he asked me to take Guildhall exam, he's the representative of Guildhall, i asked him why we have no idea regarding "Guildhall Exam", why not do some promotion in HK to let the others know if Guildhall is that good, and I did query the recognistion of Guildhall qualification, he said Guildhall has reached its highest standard in UK, everyone will know that, however, Royal School do many promotions here for making monies (well, very obvious!!) and Guildhall are run by bankers in the beginning, they got sufficient funds to run Guildhall, and they make Guildhall well-known in UK, not going to spend too much resources on doing promotions in HK (maybe they're just don't care about HK, hahaha...) but they did in Singapore ... so, you need not to query about it, got it?!

As you know, Guildhall and Trinity has merged last year, but only in sharing the resources not the status, I've clarified it with Mr. Gill last time... hahaha... seems that i've lot of questions to ask always... ^^

Tasmanian Sky

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