Sunday, August 07, 2005


今晚, 在電視英文台, 看了一套韓國電影 - "愛, 回家"!

故事非常簡單, 只是關於一個居住在鄉村的婆婆和一個居住在城市孫兒的故事!

整套戲對白也不多, 但很好看的, 很有人情味!

不知從何時開始已愛上了鄉村小鎮, 喜歡那裡的人簡單及那份城市中少有的"人情味"!

其實為何城市中會缺乏那種人情味的呢??? 我真的想嗅多一些這種味道呀!


Ruth Tam said...

At one time, I went to Switzerland for training for 3 weeks and we stayed in a small hotel. One Sunday afternoon, I said I wanted a bottle of water. They gave me a small one and I asked if I could have a large one. They gave me a bottle of sparkling one and I asked if I could have still water. Then she gave me a bottle of tear drop edition. I must have smiled so brightly at that moment because I was so happy. I can still remember SHE was happy and satisfied. I was so touched. I still keep the bottle. Bring it all the way back from Switzerland.

Hyacinthus said...


yuen luk luk said...

Ruth, I guess SHE was happy to see you happy too. very good service!

風信子, 已在妳部落留言了!

Hyacinthus said...

留係這裡那裡也沒所謂,我會多來探你! :)

Tasmanian Sky

塔斯曼尼亞的天空, 影了很多天空的照片, 回來香港後的幾個星期, 仍很懷念這個旅程, 這個天空......